Qf Caricature
the crimes {he has committed, which the magnitude of the parchment
[hows to be a rather copious one. Another demon (whofe head has
been broken off in the original) carries on his back, in a very irreverent
manner, the unfortunate lady, in order to throw her into hell-
Inouth, on the other tide of the picture. She is naked with the
exception of the fathionable head-gear, which formed one of her vanities
in the world, and the carries with her the falfe meafure with which {he
cheated her cuitorners. A demon bagpiper welcomes her on her arrival.
The fcene is full of wit and humour.
The ruftic claH'es, and infrances of their rufiicity, are not unfrequently
met with in thefe interefting carvings. "The Halls of Corbeil prefent
ieveral agricultural fcenes. Our cut No. 92 is taken from thofe of
Glouceiier cathedral, of an earlier date, and reprefents the three
fhepherds, aiioniihed at the appearance of the {tar which announced the
birth of the Saviour of mankind. Like the three kings, the {hepherds
to Whom this revelation was made were always in the middle ages
reprefented as three in number. In our drawing from the miferere in
Gloucelter cathedral, the coftume of the fhepherds IS remarkably well