and Art.
afs efcaped from his liable, and, rnihing to a pond at no great dittance,
threw himfelf into it. Water-and running water efpecially-was
believed to deftroy the power of witchcraft or magic; and no fooner was
the aia immerfed in the water, than he recovered his original form of a
young man. He told his Rory, which foon reached the ears of the pope,
and the two women were feized, and confeifed their crimes. The
carving from Lyons Cathedral appears to reprefent fome fuch fcene of
forcery. The naked woman, evidently a witch, is, perhaps, feated on a
man whom {he has transformed into a goat, and the feems to be
whirling the cat over him in fuch a manner that it may tear his face
with its claws.
There was {till another clals of fubjefts for fatire and caricature which
belongs to this part of our fubject-I mean that of the trader and
manufacturer. We mutt not fuppofe that fraudulent trading, that
deceptive and imperfect workmanfhip, that adulteration of everything
that could be adulterated, are peculiar to modern times. On the
contrary, there was no period in the world's hiltory in which dilhoneit
dealing was carried on to fuch an extraordinary extent, in which there
was fo much deception ufed in manufactures, or in which adulteration
was practifed on 10 {hamelefs a fcale, as during the middle ages. Thefe
vices, or, as we may, perhaps, more properly defcribe them, thefe crimes,
are often mentioned in the mediaeval writers, but they were not
eaflly reprefented pictorially, and therefore we rarely meet with direct
allufions to them, either in fculpture, on Hone or wood, or in the paintings
of illuminated manufcripts. Reprefentations of the trades themfelves
are not fo rare, and are fometimes droll and almoft burlefque. A
curious feries of fuch reprefentations of arts and trades was carved
on the mifereres of the church of St. Spire, at Corbeil, near Paris,
which only exift now in Millin's engravings, but they feem to have
been works of the fifteenth century. Among them the 1-irft place
is given to the various occupations neceffary for the production of bread,
that article fo important to the fupport of life. Thus we fee, in thefe
carvings at Corbeil, the labours of the reaper, cutting the wheat and
forming it into fheaves, the miller carrying it away to be ground into