0j' Caricature
is a literal tranflation of the dire5tions given in the manufcript, and
our cut No. 83 is a copy of the drawing which illufh-ates it
" The woman muft be fo prepared, that a {leeve of her chemife extend
a fmall ell beyond her hand, like a little fack; there indeed is put
a [tone weighing three pounds; and {he has nothing elfe but her
A Legal Combat.
chemife, and that is bound together between the legs with :1 lace.
Then the man makes himfelf ready in the pit over againft his wife.
He is buried therein up to the girdle, and one hand is bound at
the elbow to the tide." At this time the practice of fuch combats in
Germany feems to have been long known, for it is Rated that in the
year moo a man and his wife fought under the fanetion of the civic
authorities at Bile, in Switzerland. In a pifture of a combat between
man and wife, from a manufcript refembling that of Paulus Kali,
but executed nearly a century later, the man is placed in a tub iniiead
of a pit, with his left arm tied to his tide as before, and his right holding
a {hort heavy Half; while the woman is dreffed, and not {tripped to the