feventeenth century; and its caricature belongs efpecially
to the lait century and to the earlier part of the prefent,
beyond which it is not a part of my plan to carry it.
Thefe few remarks Will perhaps ferve to explain
What fome may COI1lldCl' to be defeets in my book;
and with them I venture to truft it to the indulgence
of its readers. It is a fubjeit which will have fome
novelty for the Englifh reader, for I am not aware that
We have any previous book devoted to it. At all
events, it
mere compilation from
other people's
In conclufion, I ought, perhaps, to ftate that the
chapters on the Hiitory of Caricature and Grotefque in
Art were f1rPc printed in the Art-jfournal during the
two paft years, but they only form a portion of the
prefent volume, and they have been confiderably
modifred and enlarged.
Sydney Street, Brampton,
Doc. 1864.