I I 02 Hgyiary
cf Caricature and
extravagance in the beginning of the reign of Henry VI. It is the fiyle
of coiffnre known efpecially as the horned head-drefs, and the very name
carries with it a fort of relationfhip to an individual who was notorioufly
horned-the fpirit of evil. This dalhing dame of the olden time appears
to have {truck terror into two unfortunates who have fallen within her
influence, one of Whom, as though he
X9_4-_iw took her for a new Gorgon, is attempt-
N mg to cover hlmfelf with hlS buckler,
k while the other, apprehending danger of
another kind, is prepared to defend him-
1, , felf with his fword. The details of the
head-drefs in this figure are interefting
' - for the hiitory of coitume.
my J. Our next cut, N0. 68, is taken from
' Q a rnanufcript in private poifefiion, which
' is now rather well known among anti-
Q 4-, quaries by the name of the "Luttrell
V Pfalter," and which belongs to the four-
teenth century. It feems to involve a
M,_ 63_ A Mm, fatire on the ariitocratic order of fociety
-on the knight who was diftinguifhed
by his helmet, his fhield, and his armour. The individual here repre-
fented prefents a type which is anything but ariftocratic. While he holds
a helmet