0f Caricature
d'Artois, a manufcript of the fifteenth century, We cannot fail to
recognife an attempt at turning to ridicule the contemporary faihions in
drefs. The hat is only an exaggerated form of one which appears to
have been commonly ufed in France in the latter half of the fifteenth
century, and which appears frequently in illuminated manufcripts
executed in Burgundy; and the boot alfo belongs to the fame period.
The latter reappeared at different times, until at length it became
developed into the modern top-boots. In cut No. 66, from the fame
manufcript, where it forms the letter T, We have the fame form of
hat, {till more exaggerated, and combined at the fame time with
grotefque faces.
Caricatures on coftume are by no means uncommon among the
artiitic remains of the middle ages, and are not confined to illuminated
manufcripts. The fafhionable dreifes of thofe days went into far more
ridiculous exceH'es of {hape than anything we fee in our times-at leaft,
fo far as we can believe the drawings in the rnanufcripts; but thefe,
however feriouily intended, were conftantly degenerating into caricature,
from circumilances which are eafily explained, and which have, in fail,
been explained already in their influence on other parts of our fubject.
The mediaeval artiits in general were not very good delineators of form,
and their outlines are much inferior to their finilh. Confcious of this,
though perhaps unknowingly, they fought to remedy the defe6t in a fpirit
which has always been adopted in the early Gages of art-progrefs-they
aimed at making themfelves underftood by giving a fpecial prominence to