application of the word, and this is the meaning which
I attach to it in the prefent volume. During the middle
ages, and for fome period after (in fpecial branches),
literature-I mean poetry, fatire, and popular literature
of all kinds-belonged to fociety, and not to the
individual authors, Who Were but workmen who gained
a living by fatisfying fociety's Wants; and its changes
in form or charaiter depended all upon the varying
progrefs, and therefore changing neceiiities, of fociety
itfelf. This is the reafon why, efpecially in the earlier
periods, nearly the Whole mats of the popular-i-I may,
perhaps, be allowed to call it the focial literature of the
middle ages, is anonymous; and itvwas only at) rare
intervals that fome individual rofe and made himfelf a
great name by the fuperiority of his talents. A certain
number of Writers of fabliaux put their names to their
compofitions, probably becaufe they were names of
Writers who had gained the reputation of telling better
or racier Pcories than many of their fellows. In fome
branches of literature--as in the fatirical literature of the
fixteenth century_f0ciety {till exercifed this kind of
influence over it; and although its great monuments
owe everything to the peculiar genius of their authors,
they were produced under the preffure of focial cir-