J ahrh.
Gebahren entgegen zu treten. 49) Berauscht durch den Besitz der
Gewalt erhoben sich die Geistlichen zu einem solchen Grade der
Anmaassung, dass sie ohne Bedenken erklärten, wer Christus ehre,
müsse eben darum auch sie ehren. 5") Sie riefen Gottes Strafgericht
an über Alle, die ihre Ansichten nicht von der Kanzel verkündigen
hören wolltenßl) Und dies bezog sich nicht blos auf ihre gewöhn-
lichen Zuhörer. S0 eingebildet und so beifallssüchtig waren sie,
dass sie auch keinen Fremden in ihrem Sprengel litten, wenn er
49) „So hazardous a thing it is to meddle with Christ's sent servants." Life of
Mr. William Gutlirie, Minister at Fenioick, by the Rev. William Dunlop, reprinted
in Sclect Bioyraphies, II, 62. Einen Geistlichen bei einem Oivil- oder Griminalprocess
zu verhaften, war ein gefahrvolles Unternehmen, denn die Gottheit versäumte nicht
leicht es zu rächen, selbst an den Beamten, die den Verhaft vollzogen, noch mehr an
dem, der ihn anordnete. Siehe z. B. Same remarlcable Passages of the Life and Deatli
of Mr. John Semple, Minister of the Gospel, p. 171 (in Walkeräs Biograpkia Pres-
byteriana, vol. 1). „Some time thereafter, he gat orders to apprehend Mr. Semple;
he intreated to excuse him, for Mr. Sexnple was the minister and man he would not
meddle with; for he was sure, if he did that, sonie terrible mischief would suddenly
befal him. Mr. Arthur Ooupar, who was Mr. Semplcfs precentor, told these passages
to a Reverend Minister in the ohurch, yet alive, worthy of all credit, who told me."
Durham rühmt: „when Ministers have most to do, and meet ioith onost opposition,
God often furnisheth them aecordingly with more boldnesse, gifts, und assistanee than
ordinary. Christ's wituesses are a terrible party; for as few es these witnesses are,
none of their opposits do gain at their hand; wltoevc-r liurtetli tliem slmll in iliis
nmnner be killcd. Though they be despicable in saokeloth, yet beim" oppose a king in
bis sirengih, und giving arders from liis tlzrone covered in cloatlz. of stete, tlum tliem:
though they may burn some and imprison others, yet their opposers will pay sickerly
for it. This is not because of any worth that is in them, or for their own sake;
But l. for His sake and for His authority" that sendeth them. 2. for the event of
their Word, which will certainly come to passe, und that more terribly, and as cer-
tainly, as ever any temporall judgement was brought on by Moses or Elias." Durlzamk
Oomnwniarie npon the B00]: of the Revelaiion, p. 416.
59) "These who are trusted by Christ to be keepers of the vineyard, and his
ministers, ought also to be respected by the people overwhom they are set; and
Christ allows this on them. Where Christ is-respected and gets his due, there the
keepers will be respected and get their due." Durlzmzfs Exposition of the Song of
Salomon, p. 450, 451. Fergusson sagt ganz artig, eine Beleidigung gegen einen
Geistlichen, weil man seine Behauptung oder, wie er es nennt, seine "Botschaft"
(message) nicht glaubt, ist „dishonour done to God." Fergnssoiis Exposition of the
Epistles of Paul, p. 422.
5') „As it is trne concerning vs, that necessitie lyeth vpon vs to preach, and
woe will bee to vs if vvee preach not; so it is trne concerning you, that a. necessitie
lyeth vpon you to heare, und woe zaill be to you if you lzeare not." Oowperäg Hmvm
opcned, p. 156. _