Volltext: The life, studies and works of Benjamin West, Esq. president of The Royal Academy of London

Then followed 
The Bishop of Salisbury, 
(As Chaplain to the Royal Academy, and an Honorary 
Prince Hoare, Esq. 
(Secretary for Foreign Correspondence to the Royal Aca- 
The body of Academicians and Associates of the Royal 
 Academy, according to seniority, two by two. 
Students, two by two.. 
And the private mourners of the deceased, consisting oil- 
Aldermen VVo0d and Birch, Rev.--Est, Rev. Holt Oakcs, 
Henry Bankes, Esq. M. P., William Smith, Esq.  
Richard Hart Davies, Esq. M. P., George Watson Taylor, 
Esq. M. P., Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. M. P., Archibald 
Hamilton, Esq., Thomas Hope, Esq., Samuel Boddington, 
Esq., Richard Payne Knight,'_Esq., Thomas Lister Parker, 
Esq., George Hibbert, Esq., John Nash, Esq., John 
Edwards, Esq., Major Payne, Captain Henry Wolseley, 
Captain Francis Halliday, James St. Aubyn, Esq., Henry 
Sansom, Esq., --_-Magniac, Esq., George Sheddon, Esq., 
James Dunlop, Esq., Joseph Ward, Esq., N. Ogle, Esq., 
George Repton, Esq., William Wadd, Esq., Henry Wood- 
thorpe, jun. Esq., Christ. Hodgson, Esq.,  Cockerell, 
sen. Esq., --Cockerell, jun. Esq., Leigh Hunt, Esq., 
P. Turnerelli, Esq., J. Holloway, Esq., Charles Heath, Esq., 
Henry Eddridge, Esq., A. Robertson, Esq., W. J. Newton, 
Esq., John Taylor, Esq., T. Bonney, Esq., ---Muss, Esq., 
 Martin, Esq., J. Green, Esq., John Galt, Esq., William 
Carey, Esq., -_Leslie Esq., iBehnes, Esq., George 
Samuel, Esq., John Young, Esq., Christopher Pack, Esq., 
W. Delamotte, Esq., E. Scriven Esq., J. M. Davis, Esq., 
C. Smart, Esq., 81c. 
It being Passion VVeek, 
formance of music in the 
the usual chanting and per- 
Cathedral-service could not 
an Anthem was, 


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