Suffolk Lane, 28th Jan.
" Sir Philip Francis's critique on the Trangjfguratian
appears very ingenious, so far as it explains the painter's
design in representing the Demoniac Boy as the connect-
ing link between the action on the Mount and the
groupe at the foot of it; but I cannot agree with Sir
Philip in supposing the picture to represent the Ascension,
and as you request me to state my reasons for this dissent,
I shall briefly endeavour to specify them.
" I have not seen the original picture; but in the
copy of it by Harlow, which was much admired in
Rome, and which one would think must be accurate, at
least in regard to so important a point, since it was
exhibited beside the origina1- I say in Har1ow's copy
the raiment of our Saviour is white, not blue. The
white has, indeed, in the shaded part, a bluish tinge,
but the colour is decidedly a white, and, therefore, Sir
Philip's assmnption that it is blue appears contrary to
the fact.
" The Tran_sji'gurati0n was witnessed by only three of
the Apostles, Peter, James, and John, (see St. Matthew,