From the year 1769 the whole of the above
pictures to 1779 were painted and paid for
by His Majesty through the hands of Mr.
R. Daulton and Mr. G. Mathias.
At this period His Majesty was graciously
pleased to sanction my pencil with his commands
for a great work on Revealed Religion, from its
commencement to its completion, for pictures to
embellish his intended New Chapel in Windsor
Castle. I arranged the several subjects from
the four Dispensations. His Majesty was
pleased to approve the arrangement selected,
as did several of the Bishops in whose hands
he placed them for their consideration, and
they highly approved the same.
His Majesty then honoured me with his
commands, and did at that time, the better to
enable me to carry it into effect, order his
deputy privy-purse, Mr. G. Mathias, to pay me
one thousand a year by quarterly payments,
which was regularly paid as commanded; and
the following are the subjects which I have
painted from the Four Dispensations, for the
Chapel, of various dimensions.
1. The expulsion of Adam and Eve
from Paradise -
2. The Deluge
Carry forward
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