fatal effects which the goddess Beilone. has ever
occasioned to the fine arts when she mounts her
iron chariot of destruction. When this picture
fell under her rapacious power, on board a
French vessel passing down the Adriatic sea
from Venice, one of our cruisers chased the
vessel into the port of Ancona, and a. cannon-
shot pierced the pannel on which the picture
was painted, and shivered a portion of it into
" On its arrival at Paris, the committee of
the fine arts found it necessary to remove the
painting from the pannel, and place it on
canvass ; but the picture has lost the principal
" But to sum up Titian's powers of con-
ception, no one has equalled him in the
propriety and {itness of colour. His pictures
of St. Peter Martyr; the David and Goliah;
and the Last Supper, which is in the Escurial,
stand in the very highest rank in art. On the
latter of these pictures being finished, Titian in
his letter to the King, announcing the circum.
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