view of their system. Where is there 'g1'eater
science concerned than in the whole theory of
colours? It employed the investigation of
Newton; aiid shall that pass for a common or
easy attainment which took up so muchiof his
profound studies? The Venetian masters had
been long Working their way to the radical
principles of this science, not only for a just
and perfect arrangement of their colouring, but
for that clear and transparent system in the use
of it, which have equally marked that school in
the days of its maturity under Titian. He it
was who established, on unerring principles,
founded on nature and truth, that accomplished
system which John Bellini had first laboured to
discover, and in which Giorgioni had made
further advancements. Besides his zeal in his
profession, Titian was born in that higher rank
of life which might be supposed to give him an
easier access to the elegant studies of philosophic
science; and he had prosecuted, with great
ardour, the science of chemisty, the better to
understand the properties of colour, their homo-
geneous blendings, purity, and duration; as
well as the properties of oils, gums, and other