Discourse to the Academy in 1797. On the Principles qf
Painting anal Sculpture.-Of Embellishments in Archi-
tecture. - Of the Taste qf the Ancients.-Errors qf the
Moderns. Of the good Taste qf the Greehs in Appropri-
ations qf Character to their Statues.- On Drawing.-
Light and Shade.- Principles qf Colouring in Paint-
ing.-Illustration.-- Of the Warm and Cold Colours.--
Of Copying jine Pictures.- Qf C'0m_position--- On the
Benefits to be derived from Sketching; and qf the Advan-
tage qf being familiar with the Characteristics qf Objects in
IN the discourse which Mr. West deliveredfrom
the chair of the Academy in 1797, he resumed
the subject which he had but slightly opened,
in that of which the foregoing chapter contains
the substance. I shall therefore endeavour in
the same manner, and as correctly as I can, to
present a view of the mode in which he treated
his argument, and as nearly as possible in his
dwn language.