Singular Anecdote respecting the Author qf the Letters qf
Junius.- Of Lachlan M'Lean.-- Anecdote qf the Duke
qf Grafton.-- Of the Marquis qf Lansdowne.- Of Sir
Philip Francis; Critique on the Trangjiguration qf
Raphael by Sir Philip Francis, and Objections to his
BY the eminent station which Mr. West has
so long held among the artists, and admirers
of the fine arts, in this country, he became
personally acquainted with almost every
literary man of celebrity; and being for
many years a general visitor at the literary
club, immortalised as the haunt of Johnson,
Burke, Garrick, Goldsmith, and Reynolds, he"
acquired, without particularlyattending to the
.literature of the day, an extensive acquaintance
with the principal topics which, from time to
time, engaged the attention of men of letters.
An incident, however, of a curious nature,
has brought him to be a party, in some degree,