been alleged, that I have learnt to draw the long
bow among them ; but you are come in a lucky
moment to vindicate my veracity."
He then called to him Lord Spencer Hamilton,
and some of the Cavendishes, who were also on
the ice, and introduced Mr. West to them as
one of the American skaters, of whom they had
heardlhim so often speak, and would not credit
what he had saidpof their performance ; and l1e
requested Mr. West to show them what, in Phila-
delphia, was called the Salute. Mr. West had
been so long out of practice, that he was at first
difiident of attempting this dillicult and graceful
movement: but, after a few trials, and feeling
-confidence in himself] he at last performed it
with complete success. Cut of this trivial inci-
dent, an acquaintance arose between him and
the young noblemen present. They spoke of
his talents as a skater; and their praise, in all
their usual haunts, had such an effect, that, in
the course of a few days, prodigious crowds
of the fashionable world, and of all descriptions
of people, assembled to see the American skater.
When it was afterwards known to the public