King, informing His Majesty, at the same time, of
all the circumstances connected with the history
of the composition ; and on what principle
he had always turned his conversations with
Mr. West to excite an interest for the pro-
motion of the arts in the minds of his family.
The dexterity with which he recapitulated
these details produced the desired effect. The
curiosity of the King was roused, and he told the
Archbishop that he would certainly send for the
Artist and the picture.
This conversation probably lasted longer than
the usual little reciprocities of the drawing-room;
for it occasioned a very amusing instance of
female oiiiciousness. A lady of distinguished
1-rank, having overheard vvhat passed, could not
resist the delightful temptation of being the
Hrst to communicate to Mr. West the intel-
ligence of the honour that -awaited him. On
quitting the palace, instead of returning home,
she went directly to his house, and, without dis-
closing her name, informed him of the whole
particulars of the conversation which had passed
between the Archbishop and the King.