nature or from art, and
thing local or particular.
The conversation after dinner chiefly turned
on American subjects, in which Mr. Burke, as
may Well be supposed, took a distinguished
part, and not more delighted the Artist with the
rich variety and ailluence of his mind, than sur-
prised him by the correct circumstantiality of
his descriptions; so much so, that he was never
able to divest himself of an impression received
on this occasion, that Mr. Burke had actually been
in America, and visited the scenes, and -been
familiar with many of the places which he so
minutely seemed to recollect. Upon a circum-
stance so singular, and so much at variance with
all that has hitherto been said respecting the
early history of this eminent person, it is need-
less to dilate. The wonder which it may excite
I have no means of allaying; but I should not
omit to mention here, when Mr. Burke was
informed that Mr. West was a Quaker, that he
observed, he had always regarded it among
thepmost fortunate circumstances of his life,