the idea. His English friend, observing his con-
fusion, inquired what he had given her, and he
answered that he did not know, but it was a piece
of money which he had received in change.
Robinson, after a short conversation with the
him to
Mr. West tha_t she had asked
farth ing,
give her a
gave her
But as you
penny-piece," said he, " she has brought you the
change." This instance of humble honesty, con-
trasted with the awful mass of misery with which
it was united, gave him a favourable idea of the
latent sentiments of the Italians. How much,
indeed, is the character of that people traduced
by the rest of Europe! How often is the travel-
ler in Italy, when he dreads the approach of rob-
bers, and prepares against murder, surprised at
the bountiful disposition of the common Italians,
and made to blush at having applied the charges
against a few criminals to the character of a whole
is only
people-without reiiecting that the nation
weak because it is subdivided.