Volltext: Geschichte der Malerei im XIX. Jahrhundert (Bd. 3)

Swinburn e, William Blake, a Critical Essay, London 1868. 
William Blake, Artist, Poet and Mystik, The New Quartcrly Review, 
April 1874. 
 W. öColiäyns-Carr, Les dessins de William Blake, L'Art 1875, II 169 und 
2 5 , 1. 
j. Beavington Atkinson, Exhibition of the Worlcs of W. Blalre, Portfolio 
1876, p. 67. 
Works by W. Blake, reproduced in facsimile from the original etlitions (Coloured 
illustrations), London 1876. 
W. B. Scott, W. Blake, Etchings from his works, London 1878. 
The poctical worlis of W. Blalie, Lyrical and miscellaneous. Etliteti with a 
prefatory memoir by William Michael Rossetti, London 1890. 
David Scott: 
KVilliam Bell Scott, Memoir of David Scott, London 1850. 
Mary M. Heaton, L'Art 1879, IV. 73. 
Thomas Gray, David Scott and his works, Plates, London 1884. 
William Sharp, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Pictorialisme in Verse, Portfolio 
1882, p. 176. 
Derselbe, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, A record and a study, London 1882. 
William Tirebuck, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, his works and inl-luencc, 
London 1882. 
T. Hall Caine, Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, London 1882. 
F. G. Stephens, The earlier works of Rossetti, Portfolio, Mai 1882. 
Sidney Colvin, Rossetti as a painter, Magazine of Art, Nlarz 1883. 
YV. Tirebuclr, Nelrrolog im Art Journal, januar 1883.  
R. Waldmüller, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Dichter und Maler, Allgemeine Zeitung 
1883 B. 344. 
Notes on Rossetti and his works, Art Journal, Mai 1884 ff. 
William Micha el Ross etti, Vorrede zu der zweibändigen Ausgabe der lNerlre 
seines Bruders, London 1883. 
Franz H üffer, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Leipzig 1883. 
I. Beavingtou Atltinson, Contemporary Art, Poetic and Positive. Rossetti 
and 'l"adema, Linnell and Lawson, Blackwoods Magazine, März 1883. 
Theodore Watts, The Truth about Rossetti, Nineteenth Century, März 1883. 
F. G. Stephens, The earlier NVorks of Rossetti, Portfolio 1883, p. 87 u. 114. 
Theodore Duret, Les expositions de Londres, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Gazette 
des Beaux Arts 1883, Il. 49. 
David Hannay, The paintings of Rossetti, National Review, März 1883. 
Helen Zimmern, Aus London, D. G. Rossetti, Westermannß Monatshefte, 
August 1883.  
Harry Quilter, The Art of Rossetti, Contemporary Review, Februar 1883. 
W. M Rossetti, Notes on Rossetti and his Works, Art Journal 1884, 148, 
164, 204, 255. 
F. G. Stephens, Ecce ancilla domini, Portfolio 1888, p. 12;. 
William Michael Ross etti, l). G. Rossetti as designer and writer, London 1889. 
ÄVilhelm YVeigand, Gegenwart 1889 p. 38 und in seinen rEssaysß.  
F. G. Stephens, Beata Beatrix, Portfolio 1891, 45. 
Derselbe, Rosa Triplex, By D. G. Rossetti, Portfolio 1892, p. 197.


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